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December 2023

Lori Barbe

Updated: Nov 16, 2023



6/7 W/TH 11:10 am Guest Author, Deborah Malone, Doing What I Otter

13 W 5:30 pm Christmas Craft Night – please RSVP

18 M 10:15 - 11:15 am Christmas songs at Good Samaritan, 3 day classes

19 T 10:15 – 11:15 am Christmas songs at Las Fuentes, 2 day classes

20 W 10:30 am Christmas Chapel – NO LUNCH BUNCH


GUEST AUTHOR: Our very own Deborah Malone, former ALS teacher, will be visiting our classes and reading her new book, Doing What I Otter, to our classes. This beautiful book was illustrated by Lydia Strom DuBord, former student of American Lutheran School, daughter of Mrs. DuBord, and sister of Miss Strom DuBord! Watch your parent folder for a pre order form if you would like to purchase a signed copy of this wonderful book!


Bring the whole family Wednesday, December 13th 5:30 pm for a fun evening of Christmas Crafts and Treats! Suggested donation of $10.00 per family to help with craft supplies. See the invitation in your parent file with details and RSVP opportunity.

Please sign up to help with refreshments at the check in counter.

ABSENCES & TARDIES: Please let us know ahead of time If your child will miss any school days. This time of year we are working on special projects and getting ready for our CHRISTMAS CHAPEL. We need everyone here, everyday! Reminder that we pack every minute of our 3-hour day with fun and learning so PLEASE be on time, so children don’t miss out or disrupt the other students. CHRISTMAS CAROLING AT GOOD SAMARITAN & Las FUENTES : Our 2 day and 3 day classes will be walking over to visit our assisted living friends to spread Christmas cheer. Look for permission slips in your parent folder.

ALL SCHOOL CHRISTMAS CHAPEL: All families please join us on Wednesday, December 20, 10:30 am in the upstairs Sanctuary for our Christmas Chapel and Music celebrating the birth of Jesus. The 2 day classes are included in this program - please bring your child to their classroom at 10:15 am and then find a seat in the Sanctuary. NO LUNCH BUNCH ON WEDNESDAY, 12/20

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: We delivered 18 filled boxes! Our students learned a great deal about giving to others. Please keep these children in your prayers. Thank you for your help!

December Snack Assignments

If you are scheduled to bring snack you will receive a picture of the calendar through procare activity. The sign up calendar is available at the check in counter. Thank you for providing a healthy snack for our little learners!


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