Give Thanks to the Lord for He is Good
Psalms 107:1
Important Dates:
1 Tuition Due
1 - 13 Operation Christmas Child Service Project
11 Veterans Day Holiday – NO SCHOOL
25-27 Thanksgiving Break – NO SCHOOL
Operation Christmas Child: We are learning about helping other children this Holiday season. Each class will be filling shoeboxes with small toys, school supplies and hygiene items to be sent through Samaritan’s Purse to children in a third world country to spread the joy of Christmas. Teachers will be posting sign up sheets for this project. The deadline for turning in items is Friday, November 13. If your family would like to prepare a box (or two!) of your own, your student will be bringing home more information. You may bring your families’ box to the preschool office by the 13th and we will take it to the collection center. There is a $9 fee for shipping each box. Checks should be made out to the preschool and we will send one big check. Thank you for supporting this project!
Mini Progress Reports: This is an optional way to keep you updated on how your student is doing in school, and what you can be doing to support their learning. Please ask for one at our check in counter and it will be returned to you within a week. You may request more progress reports at any time as needed. Our official parent teacher conferences are in early February.