Registration for 2021-2022 school year
1st Tuition Due
2-5 T-F Tues – Fri Parent Teacher conferences, NO LUNCH BUNCH
11 TH 2-day Class Valentines Party
12 F 3 day and Pre-K Valentine Parties
15 M NO SCHOOL, Presidents’ Day
26 Fri Family Movie Night – Virtual Event
PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES: Parent/teacher conferences will be held February 2-5 after school. LUNCH BUNCH IS CANCELED TUEDAY – FRIDAY, 2/2 - 2/5 so that the teachers can meet with parents. This is a great chance to see how your student is doing in the preschool setting, talk about how you can help at home, and discuss the best school options for next year. You may sign up for a specific time on your teacher’s clipboard during check in. Childcare will be available for your child and siblings during your conference time. Please do not take students to your conference.
VALENTINE PARTIES: Look for a signup sheet to help with supplies for your child’s party.
Children are welcome to bring valentines for their class. Have them practice writing their name on each valentine, but please DO NOT address them to a particular student. This makes the process of passing them out much easier for the teachers. Thank you for your help.
Virtual Event
When: Friday February 26th.
Where: Your Home
What: Your Families’ Favorite Movie
Please join us for this VIRTUAL EVENT!
Our annual Family Movie Night will be celebrated in your own family room this year since it is not yet safe to all be together. We will be sending home a Family Movie Night kit with a snack and some activities for your family to do and bring back for show and share. We cannot wait to see and hear all about the fun you have!
REGISTRATION for American Lutheran School 2021-2022
Feb 16 PRIORITY registration - Siblings of former students, ALC, MOPS and WOW families
March 1 OPEN registration! Tell all your friends with preschoolers.
Registration fee is $50.00 through March 31 and is due at the time of registration.
Beginning April 1, the registration fee is $60.00.
All registration fees are nonrefundable.