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Lori Barbe

Back 2 School!

Important Dates:

1 Tuition due Please turn in to check-in table.

15-28 Fall Fundraiser Help us raise money for the school

30 TH PICTURE DAY! Garber, Malone, Huard

10/1 F PICTURE DAY! Perlak, Snyder, DuBord


Handbooks are handed out at our Meet the Teacher event. Please read it through thoroughly, sign the back cover page, and turn it in to the check-in table by Friday 9/10. Thank you!


Student drop off and pick up will be in our front grass area. If you are arriving late, picking up early, or needing in the school, please ring the doorbell outside the front entrance and a staff member will assist you.


Each family is asked to provide a snack for all students on a rotating basis. Please refer to the back of the newsletter for our snack procedure and assignments. The handbook has many great ideas.


Each student will have a “PARENT FOLDER” that will travel in their backpack each day. We will be putting important information in this folder so please check it every day!

TUITION: The second tuition payment is due September 1st. Cash, checks or money orders can be submitted to the check-in table or mailed in. A 5% late fee will be charged after September 10 per our financial policies.

FLOWERING BULB SALE: An annual event at American Lutheran, this fundraiser will help us purchase fun items for our classrooms. Watch your student’s PARENT FOLDER for more information.

PICTURE DAYS: Wear your best smile for class and individual pictures taken by Cynthia Ray Photography. More information coming soon.


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